Source code for pymorphy2.analyzer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division
import os
import heapq
import collections
from pymorphy2 import opencorpora_dict

_Parse = collections.namedtuple('Parse', 'word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx, estimate')

[docs]class Parse(_Parse): """ Parse result wrapper. """ _morph = None
[docs] def inflect(self, required_grammemes): res = self._morph._inflect(self, required_grammemes) return None if not res else res[0]
[docs] def lexeme(self): """ A lexeme this form belongs to. """ return self._morph._decline([self])
[docs] def is_known(self): """ True if this form is a known dictionary form. """ # return self.estimate == 1? return self._morph.word_is_known(self.word, strict_ee=True)
[docs] def normalized(self): """ A :class:`Parse` instance for :attr:`self.normal_form`. """ if self.idx == 0: return self tag = self._morph._build_tag_info(self.para_id, 0) return self.__class__(self.normal_form, tag, self.normal_form, self.para_id, 0, self.estimate)
[docs]class MorphAnalyzer(object): """ Morphological analyzer for Russian language. For a given word it can find all possible inflectional paradigms and thus compute all possible tags and normal forms. Analyzer uses morphological word features and a lexicon (dictionary compiled from XML available at; for unknown words heuristic algorithm is used. Create a :class:`MorphAnalyzer` object:: >>> import pymorphy2 >>> morph = pymorphy2.MorphAnalyzer() MorphAnalyzer uses dictionaries from ``pymorphy2-dicts`` package (which can be installed via ``pip install pymorphy2-dicts``). Alternatively (e.g. if you have your own precompiled dictionaries), either create ``PYMORPHY2_DICT_PATH`` environment variable with a path to dictionaries, or pass ``path`` argument to :class:`pymorphy2.MorphAnalyzer` constructor:: >>> morph = pymorphy2.MorphAnalyzer('/path/to/dictionaries') # doctest: +SKIP By default, methods of this class return parsing results as namedtuples :class:`Parse`. This has performance implications under CPython, so if you need maximum speed then pass ``result_type=None`` to make analyzer return plain unwrapped tuples:: >>> morph = pymorphy2.MorphAnalyzer(result_type=None) """ env_variable = 'PYMORPHY2_DICT_PATH' def __init__(self, path=None, result_type=Parse): path = self.choose_dictionary_path(path) self._dictionary = opencorpora_dict.load(path) self._ee = self._dictionary.words.compile_replaces({'е': 'ё'}) if result_type is not None: # create a subclass with the same name, # but with _morph attribute bound to self res_type = type( result_type.__name__, (result_type,), {'_morph': self} ) self._result_type = res_type else: self._result_type = None @classmethod
[docs] def choose_dictionary_path(cls, path=None): if path is not None: return path if cls.env_variable in os.environ: return os.environ[cls.env_variable] try: import pymorphy2_dicts return pymorphy2_dicts.get_path() except ImportError: msg = ("Can't find dictionaries. " "Please either pass a path to dictionaries, " "or install 'pymorphy2-dicts' package, " "or set %s environment variable.") % cls.env_variable raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def parse(self, word): """ Analyze the word and return a list of :class:`Parse` namedtuples: Parse(word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx, _estimate) (or plain tuples if ``result_type=None`` was used in constructor). """ res = self._parse_as_known(word) if not res: res = self._parse_as_word_with_known_prefix(word) if not res: seen = set() res = self._parse_as_word_with_unknown_prefix(word, seen) res.extend(self._parse_as_word_with_known_suffix(word, seen)) if self._result_type is None: return res return [self._result_type(*p) for p in res]
def _parse_as_known(self, word): """ Parse the word using a dictionary. """ res = [] para_normal_forms = {} para_data = self._dictionary.words.similar_items(word, self._ee) for fixed_word, parses in para_data: # `fixed_word` is a word with proper ё letters for para_id, idx in parses: if para_id not in para_normal_forms: normal_form = self._build_normal_form(para_id, idx, fixed_word) para_normal_forms[para_id] = normal_form else: normal_form = para_normal_forms[para_id] tag = self._build_tag_info(para_id, idx) res.append( (fixed_word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx, 1.0) ) return res def _parse_as_word_with_known_prefix(self, word): """ Parse the word by checking if it starts with a known prefix and parsing the reminder. """ res = [] ESTIMATE_DECAY = 0.75 word_prefixes = self._dictionary.prediction_prefixes.prefixes(word) for prefix in word_prefixes: unprefixed_word = word[len(prefix):] for fixed_word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx, estimate in self.parse(unprefixed_word): if not tag.is_productive(): continue parse = (prefix+fixed_word, tag, prefix+normal_form, para_id, idx, estimate*ESTIMATE_DECAY) res.append(parse) return res def _parse_as_word_with_unknown_prefix(self, word, _seen_parses=None): """ Parse the word by parsing only the word suffix (with restrictions on prefix & suffix lengths). """ if _seen_parses is None: _seen_parses = set() res = [] ESTIMATE_DECAY = 0.5 for prefix, unprefixed_word in _split_word(word): for fixed_word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx, estimate in self._parse_as_known(unprefixed_word): if not tag.is_productive(): continue parse = (prefix+fixed_word, tag, prefix+normal_form, para_id, idx, estimate*ESTIMATE_DECAY) reduced_parse = parse[:3] if reduced_parse in _seen_parses: continue _seen_parses.add(reduced_parse) res.append(parse) return res def _parse_as_word_with_known_suffix(self, word, _seen_parses=None): """ Parse the word by checking how the words with similar suffixes are parsed. """ if _seen_parses is None: _seen_parses = set() result = [] ESTIMATE_DECAY = 0.5 for i in 5,4,3,2,1: end = word[-i:] para_data = self._dictionary.prediction_suffixes.similar_items(end, self._ee) total_cnt = 1 # smoothing; XXX: isn't max_cnt better? for fixed_suffix, parses in para_data: for cnt, para_id, idx in parses: tag = self._build_tag_info(para_id, idx) if not tag.is_productive(): continue total_cnt += cnt fixed_word = word[:-i] + fixed_suffix normal_form = self._build_normal_form(para_id, idx, fixed_word) parse = (cnt, fixed_word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx) reduced_parse = parse[1:4] if reduced_parse in _seen_parses: continue result.append(parse) if total_cnt > 1: # parses are sorted inside paradigms, but they are unsorted overall result.sort(reverse=True) result = [ (fixed_word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx, cnt/total_cnt * ESTIMATE_DECAY) for (cnt, fixed_word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx) in result ] break return result
[docs] def normal_forms(self, word): """ Return a list of word normal forms. """ seen = set() result = [] for fixed_word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx, estimate in self.parse(word): if normal_form not in seen: result.append(normal_form) seen.add(normal_form) return result # ====== tag ======== # XXX: one can use .parse method, but .tag is up to 2x faster.
[docs] def tag(self, word): res = self._tag_as_known(word) if not res: res = self._tag_as_word_with_known_prefix(word) if not res: seen = set() res = self._tag_as_word_with_unknown_prefix(word, seen) res.extend(self._tag_as_word_with_known_suffix(word, seen)) return res
def _tag_as_known(self, word): para_data = self._dictionary.words.similar_item_values(word, self._ee) # avoid extra attribute lookups paradigms = self._dictionary.paradigms gramtab = self._dictionary.gramtab # tag known word result = [] for parse in para_data: for para_id, idx in parse: # result.append(self._build_tag_info(para_id, idx)) # .tag_info is unrolled for speed paradigm = paradigms[para_id] paradigm_len = len(paradigm) // 3 tag_id = paradigm[paradigm_len + idx] result.append(gramtab[tag_id]) return result def _tag_as_word_with_known_prefix(self, word): res = [] word_prefixes = self._dictionary.prediction_prefixes.prefixes(word) for pref in word_prefixes: unprefixed_word = word[len(pref):] for tag in self.tag(unprefixed_word): if not tag.is_productive(): continue res.append(tag) return res def _tag_as_word_with_unknown_prefix(self, word, _seen_tags=None): if _seen_tags is None: _seen_tags = set() res = [] for _, unprefixed_word in _split_word(word): for tag in self._tag_as_known(unprefixed_word): if not tag.is_productive(): continue if tag in _seen_tags: continue _seen_tags.add(tag) res.append(tag) return res def _tag_as_word_with_known_suffix(self, word, _seen_tags=None): if _seen_tags is None: _seen_tags = set() result = [] for i in 5,4,3,2,1: end = word[-i:] para_data = self._dictionary.prediction_suffixes.similar_item_values(end, self._ee) found = False for parse in para_data: for cnt, para_id, idx in parse: tag = self._build_tag_info(para_id, idx) if not tag.is_productive(): continue found = True if tag in _seen_tags: continue _seen_tags.add(tag) result.append( (cnt, tag) ) if found: result.sort(reverse=True) result = [tag for cnt, tag in result] # remove counts break return result # ==== inflection ========
[docs] def inflect(self, word, required_grammemes): """ Return a list of parsed words that are closest to ``word`` and have all ``required_grammemes``. """ required_grammemes = set(required_grammemes) parses = self.parse(word) def weigth(parse): # order by (probability, index in lexeme) return -parse[5], parse[4] result = [] seen = set() for form in sorted(parses, key=weigth): for inflected in self._inflect(form, required_grammemes): if inflected in seen: continue seen.add(inflected) result.append(inflected) return result
def _inflect(self, form, required_grammemes): grammemes = form[1].updated_grammemes(required_grammemes) possible_results = [form for form in self._decline([form]) if required_grammemes.issubset(form[1].grammemes)] def similarity(form): tag = form[1] return len(grammemes & tag.grammemes) return heapq.nlargest(1, possible_results, key=similarity)
[docs] def decline(self, word): """ Return parses for all possible word forms. """ return self._decline(self.parse(word))
def _decline(self, word_parses): """ Return parses for all possible word forms (given a list of possible word parses). """ paradigms = self._dictionary.paradigms seen_paradigms = set() result = [] for fixed_word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx, estimate in word_parses: if para_id in seen_paradigms: continue seen_paradigms.add(para_id) stem = self._build_stem(paradigms[para_id], idx, fixed_word) for index, (_prefix, _tag, _suffix) in enumerate(self._build_paradigm_info(para_id)): word = _prefix + stem + _suffix # XXX: what to do with estimate? # XXX: do we need all info? result.append( (word, _tag, normal_form, para_id, index, estimate) ) if self._result_type is None: return result return [self._result_type(*p) for p in result] # ==== dictionary access utilities === def _build_tag_info(self, para_id, idx): """ Return gram. tag as a string. """ paradigm = self._dictionary.paradigms[para_id] tag_info_offset = len(paradigm) // 3 tag_id = paradigm[tag_info_offset + idx] return self._dictionary.gramtab[tag_id] def _build_paradigm_info(self, para_id): """ Return a list of (prefix, tag, suffix) tuples representing the paradigm. """ paradigm = self._dictionary.paradigms[para_id] paradigm_len = len(paradigm) // 3 res = [] for idx in range(paradigm_len): prefix_id = paradigm[paradigm_len*2 + idx] prefix = self._dictionary.paradigm_prefixes[prefix_id] suffix_id = paradigm[idx] suffix = self._dictionary.suffixes[suffix_id] res.append( (prefix, self._build_tag_info(para_id, idx), suffix) ) return res def _build_normal_form(self, para_id, idx, fixed_word): """ Build a normal form. """ if idx == 0: # a shortcut: normal form is a word itself return fixed_word paradigm = self._dictionary.paradigms[para_id] paradigm_len = len(paradigm) // 3 stem = self._build_stem(paradigm, idx, fixed_word) normal_prefix_id = paradigm[paradigm_len*2 + 0] normal_suffix_id = paradigm[0] normal_prefix = self._dictionary.paradigm_prefixes[normal_prefix_id] normal_suffix = self._dictionary.suffixes[normal_suffix_id] return normal_prefix + stem + normal_suffix def _build_stem(self, paradigm, idx, fixed_word): """ Return word stem (given a word, paradigm and the word index). """ paradigm_len = len(paradigm) // 3 prefix_id = paradigm[paradigm_len*2 + idx] prefix = self._dictionary.paradigm_prefixes[prefix_id] suffix_id = paradigm[idx] suffix = self._dictionary.suffixes[suffix_id] if suffix: return fixed_word[len(prefix):-len(suffix)] else: return fixed_word[len(prefix):] # ====== misc =========
[docs] def word_is_known(self, word, strict_ee=False): """ Check if a ``word`` is in the dictionary. Pass ``strict_ee=True`` if ``word`` is guaranteed to have correct е/ё letters. .. note:: Dictionary words are not always correct words; the dictionary also contains incorrect forms which are commonly used. So for spellchecking tasks this method should be used with extra care. """ if strict_ee: return word in self._dictionary.words else: return bool(self._dictionary.words.similar_keys(word, self._ee))
[docs] def iter_known_word_parses(self, prefix=""): """ Return an iterator over parses of dictionary words that starts with a given prefix (default empty prefix means "all words"). """ for word, (para_id, idx) in self._dictionary.words.iteritems(prefix): tag = self._build_tag_info(para_id, idx) normal_form = self._build_normal_form(para_id, idx, word) parse = (word, tag, normal_form, para_id, idx, 1.0) if self._result_type is not None: parse = self._result_type(*parse) yield parse
[docs] def dict_meta(self): return self._dictionary.meta
[docs] def TagClass(self): return self._dictionary.Tag
def _split_word(word, min_reminder=3, max_prefix_length=5): """ Return all splits of a word (taking in account min_reminder and max_prefix_length). """ max_split = min(max_prefix_length, len(word)-min_reminder) split_indexes = range(1, 1+max_split) return [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in split_indexes]

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