Source code for pymorphy2.opencorpora_dict.compile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:mod:`pymorphy2.opencorpora_dict.compile` is a
module for converting OpenCorpora dictionaries
to pymorphy2 representation.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import os
import logging
import collections
import itertools
import array

    izip = itertools.izip
except AttributeError:
    izip = zip

from pymorphy2 import dawg
from pymorphy2.constants import PARADIGM_PREFIXES, PREDICTION_PREFIXES
from pymorphy2.utils import longest_common_substring

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CompiledDictionary = collections.namedtuple(
    'gramtab suffixes paradigms words_dawg prediction_suffixes_dawg parsed_dict'

[docs]def convert_to_pymorphy2(opencorpora_dict_path, out_path, overwrite=False, prediction_options=None): """ Convert a dictionary from OpenCorpora XML format to Pymorphy2 compacted format. ``out_path`` should be a name of folder where to put dictionaries. """ from .parse import parse_opencorpora_xml from .storage import save_compiled_dict dawg.assert_can_create() if not _create_out_path(out_path, overwrite): return parsed_dict = parse_opencorpora_xml(opencorpora_dict_path) compiled_dict = compile_parsed_dict(parsed_dict, prediction_options) save_compiled_dict(compiled_dict, out_path)
[docs]def compile_parsed_dict(parsed_dict, prediction_options=None): """ Return compacted dictionary data. """ prediction_options = prediction_options or {} gramtab = [] paradigms = [] words = [] seen_tags = dict() seen_paradigms = dict()"inlining lexeme derivational rules...") lexemes = _join_lexemes(parsed_dict.lexemes, parsed_dict.links)'building paradigms...') logger.debug("%20s %15s %15s %15s", "stem", "len(gramtab)", "len(words)", "len(paradigms)") popularity = collections.Counter() for index, lexeme in enumerate(lexemes): stem, paradigm = _to_paradigm(lexeme) # build gramtab for suff, tag, pref in paradigm: if tag not in seen_tags: seen_tags[tag] = len(gramtab) gramtab.append(tag) # build paradigm index if paradigm not in seen_paradigms: seen_paradigms[paradigm] = len(paradigms) paradigms.append( tuple([(suff, seen_tags[tag], pref) for suff, tag, pref in paradigm]) ) para_id = seen_paradigms[paradigm] popularity[para_id] += 1 for idx, (suff, tag, pref) in enumerate(paradigm): form = pref+stem+suff words.append( (form, (para_id, idx)) ) if not (index % 10000): logger.debug("%20s %15s %15s %15s", stem, len(gramtab), len(words), len(paradigms)) logger.debug("%20s %15s %15s %15s", "total:", len(gramtab), len(words), len(paradigms)) logger.debug("linearizing paradigms..") def get_form(para): return list(next(izip(*para))) forms = [get_form(para) for para in paradigms] suffixes = sorted(set(list(itertools.chain(*forms)))) suffixes_dict = dict( (suff, index) for index, suff in enumerate(suffixes) ) def fix_strings(paradigm): """ Replace suffix and prefix with the respective id numbers. """ para = [] for suff, tag, pref in paradigm: para.append( (suffixes_dict[suff], tag, PARADIGM_PREFIXES.index(pref)) ) return para paradigms = (fix_strings(para) for para in paradigms) paradigms = [_linearized_paradigm(paradigm) for paradigm in paradigms] logger.debug('calculating prediction data..') suffixes_dawg_data = _suffixes_prediction_data(words, popularity, gramtab, paradigms, **prediction_options) logger.debug('building word DAWG..') words_dawg = dawg.WordsDawg(words) del words logger.debug('building prediction_suffixes DAWG..') prediction_suffixes_dawg = dawg.PredictionSuffixesDAWG(suffixes_dawg_data) return CompiledDictionary(tuple(gramtab), suffixes, paradigms, words_dawg, prediction_suffixes_dawg, parsed_dict)
def _join_lexemes(lexemes, links): """ Combine linked lexemes to a single lexeme. """ # <link_types> # <type id="1">ADJF-ADJS</type> # <type id="2">ADJF-COMP</type> # <type id="3">INFN-VERB</type> # <type id="4">INFN-PRTF</type> # <type id="5">INFN-GRND</type> # <type id="6">PRTF-PRTS</type> # <type id="7">NAME-PATR</type> # <type id="8">PATR_MASC-PATR_FEMN</type> # <type id="9">SURN_MASC-SURN_FEMN</type> # <type id="10">SURN_MASC-SURN_PLUR</type> # <type id="11">PERF-IMPF</type> # <type id="12">ADJF-SUPR_ejsh</type> # <type id="13">PATR_MASC_FORM-PATR_MASC_INFR</type> # <type id="14">PATR_FEMN_FORM-PATR_FEMN_INFR</type> # <type id="15">ADJF_eish-SUPR_nai_eish</type> # <type id="16">ADJF-SUPR_ajsh</type> # <type id="17">ADJF_aish-SUPR_nai_aish</type> # <type id="18">ADJF-SUPR_suppl</type> # <type id="19">ADJF-SUPR_nai</type> # <type id="20">ADJF-SUPR_slng</type> # </link_types> EXCLUDED_LINK_TYPES = set([7, ]) # ALLOWED_LINK_TYPES = set([3, 4, 5]) moves = dict() def move_lexeme(from_id, to_id): lm = lexemes[str(from_id)] while to_id in moves: to_id = moves[to_id] lexemes[str(to_id)].extend(lm) del lm[:] moves[from_id] = to_id for link_start, link_end, type_id in links: if type_id in EXCLUDED_LINK_TYPES: continue # if type_id not in ALLOWED_LINK_TYPES: # continue move_lexeme(link_end, link_start) lex_ids = sorted(lexemes.keys(), key=int) return [lexemes[lex_id] for lex_id in lex_ids if lexemes[lex_id]] def _to_paradigm(lexeme): """ Extract (stem, paradigm) pair from lexeme (which is a list of (word_form, tag) tuples). Paradigm is a list of suffixes with associated tags and prefixes. """ forms, tags = list(zip(*lexeme)) prefixes = [''] * len(tags) if len(forms) == 1: stem = forms[0] else: stem = longest_common_substring(forms) prefixes = [form[:form.index(stem)] for form in forms] # only allow prefixes from PARADIGM_PREFIXES if any(pref not in PARADIGM_PREFIXES for pref in prefixes): stem = "" prefixes = [''] * len(tags) suffixes = ( form[len(pref)+len(stem):] for form, pref in zip(forms, prefixes) ) return stem, tuple(zip(suffixes, tags, prefixes)) def _suffixes_prediction_data(words, popularity, gramtab, paradigms, min_ending_freq=2, min_paradigm_popularity=3, max_forms_per_class=1): # XXX: this uses approach different from pymorphy 0.5.6; # what are the implications on prediction quality? productive_paradigms = set( para_id for (para_id, count) in popularity.items() if count >= min_paradigm_popularity ) ending_counts = collections.Counter() endings = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)) for word, (para_id, idx) in words: if para_id not in productive_paradigms: continue paradigm = paradigms[para_id] tag = gramtab[paradigm[len(paradigm) // 3 + idx]] cls = tuple(tag.replace(' ', ',', 1).split(','))[0] for i in 1,2,3,4,5: word_end = word[-i:] ending_counts[word_end] += 1 endings[word_end][cls][(para_id, idx)] += 1 counted_suffixes_dawg_data = [] for suff in endings: if ending_counts[suff] < min_ending_freq: continue for cls in endings[suff]: for form, cnt in endings[suff][cls].most_common(max_forms_per_class): counted_suffixes_dawg_data.append( (suff, (cnt,)+ form) ) return counted_suffixes_dawg_data def _linearized_paradigm(paradigm): """ Convert ``paradigm`` (a list of tuples with numbers) to 1-dimensional array.array (for reduced memory usage). """ return array.array(str("H"), list(itertools.chain(*zip(*paradigm)))) def _create_out_path(out_path, overwrite=False): try: logger.debug("Creating output folder %s", out_path) os.mkdir(out_path) except OSError: if overwrite:"Output folder already exists, overwriting..") else: logger.warning("Output folder already exists!") return False return True

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