Source code for pymorphy2.tagset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utils for working with grammatical tags.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import collections
import threading

    from sys import intern
except ImportError:
    # python 2.x has builtin ``intern`` function

# a bit of *heavy* magic...
class _select_grammeme_from(object):
    Descriptor object for accessing grammemes of certain classes
    (e.g. number or voice).
    def __init__(self, grammeme_set):
        self.grammeme_set = grammeme_set
        # ... are descriptors not magical enough?

        # In order to fight typos, raise an exception
        # if a result is compared to a grammeme which
        # is not in a set of allowed grammemes.
        _str = type("unicode string")

        class TypedGrammeme(_str):
            def __eq__(self, other):
                if other is None:
                    return False
                if other not in grammeme_set:
                    known_grammemes = ", ".join(grammeme_set)
                    raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid grammeme for this attribute. Valid grammemes: %s" % (other, known_grammemes))
                return _str.__eq__(self, other)

            def __ne__(self, other):
                return not self.__eq__(other)

            def __hash__(self):
                return _str.__hash__(self)

        self.TypedGrammeme = TypedGrammeme

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        grammemes = self.grammeme_set & instance.grammemes

        if not grammemes:
            # XXX: type checks are not enforced in this case
            return None

        res = next(iter(grammemes))
        return self.TypedGrammeme(res) if owner.typed_grammemes else res

# Design notes: Tag objects are immutable, but the tag class is mutable.
[docs]class OpencorporaTag(object): """ Wrapper class for tags. .. warning:: In order to work properly, the class has to be globally initialized with actual grammemes (using _init_grammemes method). Pymorphy2 initializes it when loading a dictionary; it may be not a good idea to use this class directly. If possible, use ``morph_analyzer.TagClass`` instead. Example:: >>> from pymorphy2 import MorphAnalyzer >>> morph = MorphAnalyzer() >>> Tag = morph.TagClass # get an initialzed Tag class >>> tag = Tag('VERB,perf,tran plur,impr,excl') >>> tag OpencorporaTag('VERB,perf,tran plur,impr,excl') Tag instances have attributes for accessing grammemes:: >>> print(tag.POS) VERB >>> print(tag.number) plur >>> print( None Available attributes are: POS, animacy, aspect, case, gender, involvement, mood, number, person, tense, transitivity and voice. You may check if a grammeme is in tag or if all grammemes from a given set are in tag:: >>> 'perf' in tag True >>> 'nomn' in tag False >>> 'Geox' in tag False >>> set(['VERB', 'perf']) in tag True >>> set(['VERB', 'perf', 'sing']) in tag False In order to fight typos, for unknown grammemes an exception is raised:: >>> 'foobar' in tag Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Grammeme is unknown: foobar >>> set(['NOUN', 'foo', 'bar']) in tag Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Grammemes are unknown: {'bar', 'foo'} This also works for attributes:: >>> tag.POS == 'plur' Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 'plur' is not a valid grammeme for this attribute. Valid grammemes: ... """ # Grammeme categories # (see for a full set) # ------------------------------------------------------------- PARTS_OF_SPEECH = frozenset([ 'NOUN', # имя существительное 'ADJF', # имя прилагательное (полное) 'ADJS', # имя прилагательное (краткое) 'COMP', # компаратив 'VERB', # глагол (личная форма) 'INFN', # глагол (инфинитив) 'PRTF', # причастие (полное) 'PRTS', # причастие (краткое) 'GRND', # деепричастие 'NUMR', # числительное 'ADVB', # наречие 'NPRO', # местоимение-существительное 'PRED', # предикатив 'PREP', # предлог 'CONJ', # союз 'PRCL', # частица 'INTJ', # междометие ]) ANIMACY = frozenset([ 'anim', # одушевлённое 'inan', # неодушевлённое ]) GENDERS = frozenset([ 'masc', # мужской род 'femn', # женский род 'neut', # средний род ]) NUMBERS = frozenset([ 'sing', # единственное число 'plur', # множественное число ]) CASES = frozenset([ 'nomn', # именительный падеж 'gent', # родительный падеж 'datv', # дательный падеж 'accs', # винительный падеж 'ablt', # творительный падеж 'loct', # предложный падеж 'voct', # звательный падеж 'gen1', # первый родительный падеж 'gen2', # второй родительный (частичный) падеж 'acc2', # второй винительный падеж 'loc1', # первый предложный падеж 'loc2', # второй предложный (местный) падеж ]) ASPECTS = frozenset([ 'perf', # совершенный вид 'impf', # несовершенный вид ]) TRANSITIVITY = frozenset([ 'tran', # переходный 'intr', # непереходный ]) PERSONS = frozenset([ '1per', # 1 лицо '2per', # 2 лицо '3per', # 3 лицо ]) TENSES = frozenset([ 'pres', # настоящее время 'past', # прошедшее время 'futr', # будущее время ]) MOODS = frozenset([ 'indc', # изъявительное наклонение 'impr', # повелительное наклонение ]) VOICES = frozenset([ 'actv', # действительный залог 'pssv', # страдательный залог ]) INVOLVEMENT = frozenset([ 'incl', # говорящий включён в действие 'excl', # говорящий не включён в действие ]) # Set this to False (as a class attribute) to disable strict # grammeme type checking for tag.POS, tag.voice, etc. attributes. # Without type checks comparisons are about 2x faster. typed_grammemes = True # Tag format identifier # (compatible with # ---------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT = 'opencorpora-int' # Helper attributes for inflection/declension routines # ---------------------------------------------------- _NON_PRODUCTIVE_GRAMMEMES = set(['NUMR', 'NPRO', 'PRED', 'PREP', 'CONJ', 'PRCL', 'INTJ', 'Apro']) _EXTRA_INCOMPATIBLE = { # XXX: is it a good idea to have these rules? 'plur': set(['GNdr']), # XXX: how to use rules from OpenCorpora? # (they have "lexeme/form" separation) } _GRAMMEME_INDICES = collections.defaultdict(int) _GRAMMEME_INCOMPATIBLE = collections.defaultdict(set) _LAT2CYR = None _CYR2LAT = None KNOWN_GRAMMEMES = set() _NUMERAL_AGREEMENT_GRAMMEMES = ( set(['sing', 'nomn']), set(['sing', 'accs']), set(['sing', 'gent']), set(['plur', 'nomn']), set(['plur', 'gent']), ) RARE_CASES = { 'gen2': 'gent', 'acc2': 'accs', 'loc2': 'loct', 'voct': 'nomn' } __slots__ = ['_grammemes_tuple', '_grammemes_cache', '_str', '_POS', '_cyr', '_cyr_grammemes_cache'] def __init__(self, tag): self._str = tag # XXX: we loose information about which grammemes # belongs to lexeme and which belongs to form # (but this information seems useless for pymorphy2). # Hacks for better memory usage: # - store grammemes in a tuple and build a set only when needed; # - use byte strings for grammemes under Python 2.x; # - grammemes are interned. grammemes = tag.replace(' ', ',', 1).split(',') grammemes_tuple = tuple([intern(str(g)) for g in grammemes]) self._assert_grammemes_are_known(set(grammemes_tuple)) self._grammemes_tuple = grammemes_tuple self._POS = self._grammemes_tuple[0] self._grammemes_cache = None self._cyr_grammemes_cache = None self._cyr = None # attributes for grammeme categories POS = _select_grammeme_from(PARTS_OF_SPEECH) animacy = _select_grammeme_from(ANIMACY) aspect = _select_grammeme_from(ASPECTS) case = _select_grammeme_from(CASES) gender = _select_grammeme_from(GENDERS) involvement = _select_grammeme_from(INVOLVEMENT) mood = _select_grammeme_from(MOODS) number = _select_grammeme_from(NUMBERS) person = _select_grammeme_from(PERSONS) tense = _select_grammeme_from(TENSES) transitivity = _select_grammeme_from(TRANSITIVITY) voice = _select_grammeme_from(VOICES) @property
[docs] def grammemes(self): """ A frozenset with grammemes for this tag. """ if self._grammemes_cache is None: self._grammemes_cache = frozenset(self._grammemes_tuple) return self._grammemes_cache
[docs] def grammemes_cyr(self): """ A frozenset with Cyrillic grammemes for this tag. """ if self._cyr_grammemes_cache is None: cyr_grammemes = [self._LAT2CYR[g] for g in self._grammemes_tuple] self._cyr_grammemes_cache = frozenset(cyr_grammemes) return self._cyr_grammemes_cache
[docs] def cyr_repr(self): """ Cyrillic representation of this tag """ if self._cyr is None: self._cyr = self.lat2cyr(self) return self._cyr
[docs] def cyr2lat(cls, tag_or_grammeme): """ Return Latin representation for ``tag_or_grammeme`` string """ return _translate_tag(tag_or_grammeme, cls._CYR2LAT)
[docs] def lat2cyr(cls, tag_or_grammeme): """ Return Cyrillic representation for ``tag_or_grammeme`` string """ return _translate_tag(tag_or_grammeme, cls._LAT2CYR)
def __contains__(self, grammeme): # {'NOUN', 'sing'} in tag if isinstance(grammeme, (set, frozenset)): if grammeme <= self.grammemes: return True self._assert_grammemes_are_known(grammeme) return False # 'NOUN' in tag if grammeme in self.grammemes: return True else: if not self.grammeme_is_known(grammeme): raise ValueError("Grammeme is unknown: %s" % grammeme) return False # FIXME: __repr__ and __str__ always return unicode, # but they should return a byte string under Python 2.x. def __str__(self): return self._str def __repr__(self): return "OpencorporaTag('%s')" % self def __eq__(self, other): return self._grammemes_tuple == other._grammemes_tuple def __ne__(self, other): return self._grammemes_tuple != other._grammemes_tuple def __lt__(self, other): return self._grammemes_tuple < other._grammemes_tuple def __gt__(self, other): return self._grammemes_tuple > other._grammemes_tuple def __hash__(self): return hash(self._grammemes_tuple) def __len__(self): return len(self._grammemes_tuple) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (self._str,), None def is_productive(self): return not self.grammemes & self._NON_PRODUCTIVE_GRAMMEMES def _is_unknown(self): return self._POS not in self.PARTS_OF_SPEECH @classmethod def grammeme_is_known(cls, grammeme): cls._assert_grammemes_initialized() return grammeme in cls.KNOWN_GRAMMEMES @classmethod def _assert_grammemes_are_known(cls, grammemes): if not grammemes <= cls.KNOWN_GRAMMEMES: cls._assert_grammemes_initialized() unknown = grammemes - cls.KNOWN_GRAMMEMES unknown_repr = ", ".join(["'%s'" % g for g in sorted(unknown)]) raise ValueError("Grammemes are unknown: {%s}" % unknown_repr) @classmethod def _assert_grammemes_initialized(cls): if not cls.KNOWN_GRAMMEMES: msg = "The class was not properly initialized." raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def updated_grammemes(self, required): """ Return a new set of grammemes with ``required`` grammemes added and incompatible grammemes removed. """ new_grammemes = self.grammemes | required for grammeme in required: if not self.grammeme_is_known(grammeme): raise ValueError("Unknown grammeme: %s" % grammeme) new_grammemes -= self._GRAMMEME_INCOMPATIBLE[grammeme] return new_grammemes
[docs] def fix_rare_cases(cls, grammemes): """ Replace rare cases (loc2/voct/...) with common ones (loct/nomn/...). """ return frozenset(cls.RARE_CASES.get(g, g) for g in grammemes)
@classmethod def add_grammemes_to_known(cls, lat, cyr): cls.KNOWN_GRAMMEMES.add(lat) cls._LAT2CYR[lat] = cyr cls._CYR2LAT[cyr] = lat @classmethod def _init_grammemes(cls, dict_grammemes): """ Initialize various class attributes with grammeme information obtained from XML dictionary. ``dict_grammemes`` is a list of tuples:: [ (name, parent, alias, description), ... ] """ with threading.RLock(): cls.KNOWN_GRAMMEMES = set() cls._CYR2LAT = {} cls._LAT2CYR = {} for name, parent, alias, description in dict_grammemes: cls.add_grammemes_to_known(name, alias) gr = dict((name, parent) for (name, parent, alias, description) in dict_grammemes) # figure out parents & children children = collections.defaultdict(set) for index, (name, parent, alias, description) in enumerate(dict_grammemes): if parent: children[parent].add(name) if gr.get(parent, None): # parent's parent children[gr[parent]].add(name) # expand EXTRA_INCOMPATIBLE for grammeme, g_set in cls._EXTRA_INCOMPATIBLE.items(): for g in g_set.copy(): g_set.update(children[g]) # fill GRAMMEME_INDICES and GRAMMEME_INCOMPATIBLE for index, (name, parent, alias, description) in enumerate(dict_grammemes): cls._GRAMMEME_INDICES[name] = index incompatible = cls._EXTRA_INCOMPATIBLE.get(name, set()) incompatible = (incompatible | children[parent]) - set([name]) cls._GRAMMEME_INCOMPATIBLE[name] = frozenset(incompatible) # XXX: do we still need these methods? @classmethod def _from_internal_tag(cls, tag): """ Return tag string given internal tag string """ return tag @classmethod def _from_internal_grammeme(cls, grammeme): return grammeme def numeral_agreement_grammemes(self, num): if (num % 10 == 1) and (num % 100 != 11): index = 0 elif (num % 10 >= 2) and (num % 10 <= 4) and (num % 100 < 10 or num % 100 >= 20): index = 1 else: index = 2 if self.POS not in ('NOUN', 'ADJF', 'PRTF'): return set([]) if self.POS == 'NOUN' and not in ('nomn', 'accs'): if index == 0: grammemes = set(['sing',]) else: grammemes = set(['plur',]) elif index == 0: if == 'nomn': grammemes = self._NUMERAL_AGREEMENT_GRAMMEMES[0] else: grammemes = self._NUMERAL_AGREEMENT_GRAMMEMES[1] elif self.POS == 'NOUN' and index == 1: grammemes = self._NUMERAL_AGREEMENT_GRAMMEMES[2] elif self.POS in ('ADJF', 'PRTF') and self.gender == 'femn' and index == 1: grammemes = self._NUMERAL_AGREEMENT_GRAMMEMES[3] else: grammemes = self._NUMERAL_AGREEMENT_GRAMMEMES[4] return grammemes #@classmethod #def _clone_class(cls): # Tag = type(cls.__name__, (cls,), { # 'KNOWN_GRAMMEMES': cls.KNOWN_GRAMMEMES.copy(), # }) # # copyreg.pickle(Tag, pickle_tag) # return Tag
class CyrillicOpencorporaTag(OpencorporaTag): """ Tag class that uses Cyrillic tag names. .. warning:: This class is experimental and incomplete, do not use it because it may be removed in future! """ FORMAT = 'opencorpora-ext' _GRAMMEME_ALIAS_MAP = dict() @classmethod def _from_internal_tag(cls, tag): for name, alias in cls._GRAMMEME_ALIAS_MAP.items(): if alias: tag = tag.replace(name, alias) return tag @classmethod def _from_internal_grammeme(cls, grammeme): return cls._GRAMMEME_ALIAS_MAP.get(grammeme, grammeme) @classmethod def _init_grammemes(cls, dict_grammemes): """ Initialize various class attributes with grammeme information obtained from XML dictionary. """ cls._init_alias_map(dict_grammemes) super(CyrillicOpencorporaTag, cls)._init_grammemes(dict_grammemes) GRAMMEME_INDICES = collections.defaultdict(int) for name, idx in cls._GRAMMEME_INDICES.items(): GRAMMEME_INDICES[cls._from_internal_grammeme(name)] = idx cls._GRAMMEME_INDICES = GRAMMEME_INDICES GRAMMEME_INCOMPATIBLE = collections.defaultdict(set) for name, value in cls._GRAMMEME_INCOMPATIBLE.items(): GRAMMEME_INCOMPATIBLE[cls._from_internal_grammeme(name)] = set([ cls._from_internal_grammeme(gr) for gr in value ]) cls._GRAMMEME_INCOMPATIBLE = GRAMMEME_INCOMPATIBLE cls._NON_PRODUCTIVE_GRAMMEMES = set([ cls._from_internal_grammeme(gr) for gr in cls._NON_PRODUCTIVE_GRAMMEMES ]) @classmethod def _init_alias_map(cls, dict_grammemes): for name, parent, alias, description in dict_grammemes: cls._GRAMMEME_ALIAS_MAP[name] = alias def _translate_tag(tag, mapping): """ Translate ``tag`` string according to ``mapping``, assuming grammemes are separated by commas or whitespaces. Commas/whitespaces positions are preserved. """ if isinstance(tag, OpencorporaTag): tag = str(tag) return " ".join([ _translate_comma_separated(whitespace_separated_part, mapping) for whitespace_separated_part in tag.split() ]) def _translate_comma_separated(tag_part, mapping): grammemes = [mapping.get(tok, tok) for tok in tag_part.split(',')] return ",".join(grammemes) registry = dict() for tag_type in [CyrillicOpencorporaTag, OpencorporaTag]: registry[tag_type.FORMAT] = tag_type
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